I only go to golf courses for work. This is the 5th update.

I thought this would be a warm winter, but it's gotten really cold all of a sudden.

The fleece-lined Ukyo-e sweatshirt is perfect for winter golf!

Well, that's enough advertising for now. Lol

This week I had the opportunity to shoot with a female pro golfer for work, and was privileged to get to see her shots up close. I knew it would be amazing, but this is what they mean by "next level"!!

At the driving range, the ball will only deviate by about 10 yards, even with a driver.

All irons hit the target!

Of course there was no shank.

And in this cold weather with no practice!!

As expected!

The image is perfect, so I'm sure I'll be able to get a good score in the competition this weekend 😂

Since this is a competition I'm hosting, I can't afford to do poorly!

If you try too hard, you won't come back with a good score.

On a different note, thank you to everyone who purchased the remade sweatshirts!

This is a one-of-a-kind item that you will never find anywhere else, and we hope you enjoy playing golf.

As for the next work, I will be announcing a few pieces at 8pm on Monday the 6th next week!!

Please look forward to it!

This hoodie is well made. Lol

See you next time!

Have fun playing golf!!!

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